Thursday, September 17, 2009

People who can't spell or write

Ok, let me start off by admitting that I am absolutely not the smartest girl, or Asian(math). I will be the first to tell you that I am just average. I never excelled in spelling bees or entered contests for journals or poems. See, just average.

I CAN get quite nerdy at times. I guess I'm more anal or OCDish. But. One of my biggest pet peeves???? People, mainly men, who can't spell or write a proper CORRECT sentence. I mean, it can be the simpliest reply or statement and it's f-n wrong. I don't think you need to be a genius. I'm just curious. Don't you read what you write?! Do you see that what you JUST typed makes no F-N sense?!!! For instance, the word you JUST wrote....can you even pronounce it?!

It's so annoying. It totally angers me! Arg!!! I won't reply or answer or comment to many people because of this. It's one thing if you abbreviate and I can't even give them that excuse!

I remember being on a singles dating site. Yes, we've all done it. And I recall not replying to 90% of them. Mainly because of grammar & spelling, which is terrible. And of course "hi you're hot" simply won't make me feel the sudden urge to hook up and set up a date.

Soooo...for the few of you that I remain friends what you send me. It might be why I don't respond.

I feel like a bitch but damn that's annoying!!!!